Mortality Data: Death Certificates
and Vital Statistics
Last Updated: March 2022
Local staff at funded health departments in states and Washington, DC abstract data from ME/C reports, death certificates, and postmortem toxicology reports into CDC’s SUDORS.
In some states, ME/Cs release their own drug overdose reports which are often of higher quality and more detailed than data in vital statistics.
In a growing number of states, state vital statistics systems release preliminary data on drug overdose deaths. Example reports provided below:
State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System
SUDORS abstracts data from ME/C reports and integrates with death certificate data and toxicology reports. Data include demographics, toxicology results, and overdose-specific context and circumstances. Preliminary data can be reviewed by the state and new cases can be entered into the system at an accelerated rate during an outbreak response. Example reports are below:
For more information about SUDORS see the CDC OD2A website.
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